You may have been hearing a lot about Naked Cards. If you haven’t where have you been? x Well it speaks for itself and it’s all about cutting down unnecessary waste and that certainly includes the cello wrappers that protect cards. If you want to know more about this movement click here. I would never have heard of Naked Cards is it wasn’t for a fellow creative Niki at Hiya Pal cards, so thank you x
If I’m honest I feel I should have done this a while ago. Having done an Environmental Studies Degree, I know how beneficial recycling and environmental awareness is and can be for a small business. It feels good to be reducing unnecessary waste x
Even a few card retailers are doing the same and displaying their cards Naked. A lovely wholesaler of mine up in Elgin Pencil Me In is doing this in her shop.
So, from now on any card you order in my shop or Etsy shop will be sent to you Naked with no cello, but it will be in a paper bag instead. I obviously have a few left to use up and I do now use biodegradable cellos on my planners, which I feel need some type of protection. The bio-degradable cello sleeves though cost more and do still take a while to decompose.
I buy all my eco packaging products from a company called Eco-craft