Well Lomond Paper Co. has been up and running for a whole year. It has gone so quickly. It is a crazy time to have a 1st Birthday as Christmas is fast approaching and their is so much going on in the retail world after the controversial Black Friday sales. I thought I would use this blog post to reflect on my first year.
If I am honest this first year has had its major highs and lows. I have managed to find some great customers who have given me the confidence to carry on and I have had a lot of successes. I have however also had numerous knock backs and a few things are ringing true.
1. I have to have more confidence and conviction when telling people what I do for a living. Their is a great article on ETSY about this here.
2. PLAN PLAN PLAN you have to have a good business plan and know where you want to be heading.
3. Branding and image is so important you have to have a strong brand image.
4. Social Media (Aaaaaaahhhh!!!!). This could be a full time job but it is so important for a small creative business. I am struggling with this if I'm honest I have highs and lows with it. Really I want someone else to tell me what to do. Lazy I know.
I recently found a great blog post on a website called Create and Thrive and it sums up how to create a successful online craft business in 10 steps.